Hospital Automation Summit 2024
Automationsløsninger i sundhedsvæsenet udgør et kæmpe potentiale som arbejdskraftfrigørende- og personaleaflastende teknologi. Men udviklingen af løsninger kommer ikke af sig selv. Få indsigt i potentialer og udfordringer for automationsløsninger i sundhedsvæsenet på Hospital Automation Summit i Odense den 22. maj 2024.
TID: 22. maj 2024, kl. 9.30 - 16.00.
STED: Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation, Forskerparken 10 G, 5230 Odense M.
MÅLGRUPPE: Robotvirksomheder, hospitaler og andre med interesse for automatisering og robotteknologi.
PRIS: 300 kr. ex moms (inkl. forplejning)
TILMELDING: Tilmeld dig her, senest 17. maj 2023.
Danske løsninger til et globalt hospitals automatiseringsbehov
Tredje udgave af Hospital Automation Summit 2024 bliver møde og netværkssted for alle aktører, der arbejder med automation og personale-aflastende teknologier.
Hospital Automation Summit 2024 fokuserer på følgende temaer:
- Nye automationsløsninger til hospitaler
- Anskaffelse- og implementeringsprocesser herunder lovgivningsmæssige krav i en hospitalskontekst
- Forskningsprojekter og OPI-samarbejder som en vej ind på hospitalet
- Automation der understøtter den grønne omstilling.
Du kan deltage på ét af to spor formiddag og eftermiddag, som vælges ved tilmelding.
Som et nyt tiltag bliver konferencen international og afholdt på engelsk, når den løber af stablen 22 maj 2024.
09:00 – Registration, coffee and croissant
09:30 – Welcome
Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen, Chief Consultant, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
09:35 – Official opening of Hospital Automaton Summit 2024
Bo Libergren, Regional Chairman, The Region of Southern Denmark.
---------- TRACK 1 – Programme ----------
Moderator: Ole Georg Andersen, Knowledge Based Innovation Manager, Odense Robotics.
Theme: New automation solutions for hospitals
10:00 – Driving Healthcare Innovation: Leveraging Mission-Driven Approaches and Value-Based Procurement in Automation
Martin Vesterby, CEO, MD, Ph.d., MedData ApS.
10:25 – What does it take to automate the sterile central and laboratory sample handling and how do you process the implementation with your staff?
Erik Ny, Consultant, Logistics Consulting AB.
10:50 - Lab automation – what is missing? Case: Vitestro autonomous blood drawing technology"
Mads Nybo, MD, ph.d. Department of Clinical Research, Clinical lector, KI, OUH, Research unit of Clinical Biochemistry (Odense) and Wessel van Dijk, Head of business development, Vitestro
11:15 – Networking and exhibition
11:35 – Insight into an ongoing intralogistics project with advanced transport of materials in a hospital environment
Mathias Jonasson, Project Sales Manager – Manufacturing & Intralogistics, AFRY.
12:00 – The difference between success and failure for mobile robots working with service staff in Danish hospitals
Kristina Tornbjerg Eriksen, PhD, Research Fellow, The Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Aalborg University.
12:30 – Lunch, networking and exhibition
Theme: Procurement and implementation processes as well as legislative requirements
13:30 – New automation solutions for Swedish Hospitals and the challenges connected to tender as SMV company
Søren K. Andersen, CEO, LT Automation.
13:55 – Creating together - how the robot assisted ultrasound scanning Hera® entered a Danish hospital via a public private partnership
Keld Thorsen, CEO, and Rune Kristensen, CTO, Life Science Robotics.
14:20 – Networking and exhibition
14:40 – Innovative public procurement - how can these possibilities be utilised more?
Rikke Thorlund Haahr, Chief Consultant, CO-PI (Center for public private innovation).
15:05 – Developing strategic partnerships with private suppliers to ensure quality, reliability and competitive tender process
Thomas Skovgaard, Business Unit Manager, Hospital Solutions and Mikkel Bjerregaard, CSO, Gibotech A/S.
15:30 – Networking and exhibition
16:00 – Event ends
---------- TRACK 2 – Programme ----------
Moderator: Caroline Strudwick, Project Manager, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark
Theme: Public-private partnerships to bring automation to hospitals
10:00 – How can the healthcare system support the development of innovative solutions for the benefit of both patients and employees?
Ricco Dyhr, Hospital Director, Zealand University Hospital and Nykøbing Falster.
10:25 – How do we shape the healthcare system for tomorrow?
Lars Bech-Jørgensen, Topic lead Life Science, Danish Industry (DI).
10:50 – Panel debate: How do we solve the challenges for new acquisitions in hospital automation?
Ricco Dyhr, Hospital Director, Zealand University Hospital and Nykøbing Falster
Lars Bech-Jørgensen, Topic lead Life Science, Danish Industry (DI)
Gulshan Akhtar Din, Senior Advisor, Gain & Co
Rikke Thorlund Haahr, Chief Consultant, CO-PI(Center for public private innovation).
Moderator: Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen, Chief Consultant, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
11:15 – Networking and exhibition
11:35 – Possibilities and pitfalls in the Danish public private innovation model (OPI)
Majbritt Rostgaard Evald, Master in Political Science, PhD in Intrapreneurship and Organization, Department of Business and Sustainability, University of Southern Denmark.
12:00 – Creating together - how the Buddy robot entered into a Danish hospital via a public private partnership
Sara Lopez Alaguero, Co-founder and CEO, Yuman & Johanne Laursen Lykke, Clinical nursing specialist at the Department of Neurology, Bispebjerg Hospital.
12:30 – Lunch, networking and exhibition
Theme: Automation that supports the green transition
Moderator: Caroline Strudwick, Project Manager, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
13:30 – The strategic focus on green transition in Danish hospitals. How can automation play a role?
Caroline Strudwick, Project Lead, Innovative construction and operation, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
13:55 – DesignWISE - how do we design sustainable?
Lotte Borg, Special Consultant, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
14:20 – Networking and exhibition
14:40 – How a network of hospitals, companies and researchers collaborates to move the hospitals from single use to recycling and reuse of materials
Birgitte Østergård Sørensen, Business Manager, Danish Technological Institute.
15:05 – Healthcare Sustainability: Merging Man and Machine for the Planet's Sake
Emil Sikker Hansen, Logistics consultant, Zealand University Hospital, Køge.
15:30 – Networking and exhibition
16:00 – Event ends.
Mød alle aktører indenfor hospital automation på samme sted
Hospital Automation Summit er en årlig konference, hvor hospitaler, brugere og leverandører af robot- og automationsteknologi mødes, inspireres og ikke mindst diskuterer udfordringer og potentialer for automatiseringsløsninger på hospitaler.
Til konferencen kan du glæde dig til at møde teknologivirksomheder, beslutningstagere og klinikere, som ibrugtager de nye teknologier på hospitalerne, personale fra test- og integrationsafdelinger for nye teknologier, samt mange flere.
Du kan forvente:
- en international konference med flere oplægsspor
- en udstilling af automations- og robotløsninger
- mulighed for grænseoverskridende netværk.
Udstil din automatiseringsløsning
Hospital Automation Summit byder igen i år på en udstilling – hvor virksomheder kan købe en stand og fremvise deres robotteknologiske løsninger.
Tilbud til udstillere:
- 4 kvm gulvplads, 1 cafe bord med dug, wifi, strøm
- Pris: 2.500 DKK ekskl. moms.
Ønsker du at udstille? Kontakte Simone Walther,, Danish Life Science Cluster.
Deltag hvis du ønsker
- Kontakt til robotteknologiske virksomheder indenfor sundhed
- Kontakt til offentlige aktører som bevæger sig i krydsfeltet automation og sundhed
- Indsigt i automationsløsningers potentiale til at aflaste og understøtte sundhedspersonale
- At vide hvad der rør sig i sundhedsvæsenet i forhold til behov og udfordringer
- Netværk og matchmaking med aktører indenfor feltet sundhed
- Inspiration på tværs af grænser.
Hospital Automation 2023 fakta
- 130 aktører fra industrien og hospitalssektoren deltog
- 12 virksomheder udstillede på Hospital Automation Summit
- 22 oplægsholdere bidrog med ny viden.
Hospital Automation Summit 2024 arrangeres af Danish Life Science Cluster, Odense Robotics, Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR), Odense Universitetshospital, Syddansk SundhedsInnovation og Teknologisk Institut.

Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen
Brugercentreret Innovation
21 79 14 04 Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen på LinkedIn