The Region of Southern Denmark continues “The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing” (EIP on AHA)
Once again, the Region of Southern Denmark has been appointed as a four-star reference site for its innovative efforts in active and healthy ageing.
Anja Lund (V), the Committee for Digitalisation and Innovation in the Region of Southern Denmark represented the region in Brussels October 10th 2022. This is the fourth time the Region of Southern Denmark has been selected as a four-star reference site for their work on active and healthy ageing.
Anja Lund expresses both joy and pride in receiving the recognition.
- We are incredibly pleased to receive the recognition from the EU in the Region of Southern Denmark. More focus will be on the work we do in the region on active and healthy ageing, internationally as well. From our national and regional strategies to specific projects within the healthcare system, our intention is to increase the number of healthy years of living for all citizens. Being awarded the highest number of stars once again shows how proud we should be of the work that is carried out on all levels of our healthcare. We will continue to be ambitious in the field of innovation and digitalisation because we believe it helps us strengthen our future healthcare system.
Regional Development, Region of Southern Denmark, finance the Region of Southern Denmark’s function as a reference site and other efforts that might be required hereof. 250.000kr (approx. 37.000 euros) have been earmarked for the Region of Southern Denmark in the new program period, running from 2022-2025. The work will be coordinated by the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.

Maria Hardt Schønnemann
Styring, Udvikling og Viden
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