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Joint Action – JadeCare

The EU initiative JadeCare involves 48 organizations from 17 countries all around Europe in which they collaborate on the transfer of “Good Practices” to face the challenges of the transformation of Healthcare in the EU.

Aspects of health system transformation

JadeCare stands for Joint Action digitally-enabled and integrated person-centered care, and was launched by the EU Commission with the intention of reinforcing the capacity of health authorities to successfully address important aspects of health system transformation. JadeCare intends to do so by having regions within EU, who more quickly advancing in the digital development of their healthcare systems, support and share their knowledge with other regions across Europe.

To achieve this, four original “Good Practices” of digitally enabled integrated care have been identified. These stand for a bundle of proven practices and methods ready for being transferred to the next organisation within the EU.

The four “Good Practices” are:

  • Basque health strategy on ageing and chronicity: integrated care (Basque County, Spain)
  • Catalan Center for Open innovation on ICT-supported integrated care services for chronic patients (Catalonia, Spain)
  • The OptiMedis model – integrated population-base care (Germany)
  • Digital roadmap to an integrated healthcare sector (Region of Southern Denmark)

Among other things, The Region of Southern Denmark offer valuable insight to the SAM:BO agreement - a cross-sectorial collaboration between the various sectors within healthcare - in order to give the patients a more coherent and connected experience of care.

Purpose and activities

The purpose of the project is to assist European healthcare systems in their development towards a healthcare that is digitally supported and coherent. 

Furthermore, the project is meant to aid in the transmission of 'best practices' from 'early adopters' (such as the Region of Southern Denmark) to 'next adopters'. Through seminars, workshops, study visits, physical meetings, mentoring from experts, etc., the project will share knowledge across the european countries involved, in order to advance digital integrated Healthcare solutions. 

As part of the partnership agreement, each “Good Practice” is responsible for inviting the participating countries and organizations on a study visit. Here the host organizations will present several cases that are transferable and discuss the challenges and prospects of implementation for each country.

Despite of the Corona pandemic, the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark hosted an online study visit on the 11th of May 2022. 

The Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark's part in the project

Each of the four 'best practices' are given a 'package' containing a focus area to work on/with. 

The Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark are a part of the "WP8 - Digital roadmap towards an integrated healthcare sector" package, and are a part of the management team in the complex project. This means: 

  • Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark are going to assist the other eight regions of the project - who wants to implement entire or partial aspects of our 'best practice' - to improve and implement solutions.
  • Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark are responsible for defining needs and scope for each region, plus aid in conducting a situation analysis (SWOT) in the regions, and developing a 'plan of action' for implementation.
  • Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark are going to support implementation, meaning to research and give feedback on how the implementation of SAM:BO (and other IT-projects across the different sectors of the Region of Southern Denmark), with the intention of using the knowledge this gives in the further development of 'plans of action' for the eight regions. This is to be done through knowledge-sharing workshops and study visits. 


Kronikgune (Spain) are leading the project. They are responsible for the foundation of this exiting and ambitious project. Furthermore, in each country there is an official main partner. In Denmark the Ministry of Health has appointed the Region of Northern Jutland to be the Danish representative in JadeCare. The Region of Southern Denmark participate as an ‘Affiliated entity’ to the Region of Northern Jutland. MedCom, as well as the Ministry of Health, also participate as a part of an expert group supervising the project.


Project period: December 2020 - December 2023. 

Financing: The project is initiated by the European Commission.


Maria Hardt Schønnemann


Styring, Udvikling og Viden

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