South DENMARK eHealth ECOsystem, ECHAlliance
Facilitation of a Danish ecosystem as part of the ECHAlliance to strengthen international collaboration and sharing of knowledge to drive sustainable change in the delivery of health and social care.
The South DENMARK eHealth ECOsystem, part of the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and the International Network of Ecosystems, promotes collaboration and coordination of combined efforts within digital health, active healthy ageing and private-public collaboration.
The partners of the eco-system meet on a regular basis, minimum four times a year, to consider specific priorities and common objectives. They also discuss opportunities to collaborate and co-operate with other eco-systems in ECHAlliance with the objective to offer insights and share knowledge about the health challenges and the possible solutions and to promote Danish competences and healthcare solutions.
Advantages of South DENMARK eHealth ECOsystem
- International awareness
- Access to knowledge
- Network in export markets
- Closer collaboration.
European Connected Health Alliance
The establishment of the South DENMARK eHealth ECOsystem and the membership of ECHAlliance follows the appointment of the Region of Southern Denmark as a four star Reference Site for active and healthy ageing in Europe (EIP on AHA), and Welfare Techs status as Gold Label Cluster by the European Commission’s quality assurance system, European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), which is the highest award a European cluster organisation can receive for excellent performance in terms of management, promoting innovation, development and implementation.
The European Connected Health Alliance, ECHAlliance, is a non-profit organisation, based in the United Kingdom, connecting more than 25 networks and connected health eco-systems across Europe, North America and Asia. The network of ecosystems is unparalleled and facilitate multi-stakeholder connections, to create and strengthen partnerships committed to driving sustainable change in the delivery of health and social care.
The Danish membership of ECHAlliance and the creation of a South DENMARK eHealth ECOsystem is initiated by Welfare Tech and Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, part of Region of Southern Denmark. The eco-system is based on a defined geographical region and builds on existing and already established networks and project collaborations in Welfare Tech and the Region. The collaboration and membership of ECHAlliance will strengthen the Regions and Welfare Techs network and position in Europe and foster new opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing with other eco-systems in the ECHAlliance.