CARES - study visit in Bordeaux, France
Interreg Europe Promotes Policy Learning and Good Practice Sharing - CARES, an Interreg Europe project, dedicated to advancing regional policies for specialized and widespread distribution of e-health services for the elderly and individuals with disabilities.
Last week, the Gerontopole Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region hosted the 2nd study visit in Bordeaux—two days filled with discussions and the exchange of best practices.
The study visit brought together 55 participants from Poland, France, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Croatia.
The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, who hosted the event, showcased some best practices:
- Paaco-Globule
- Bienveillance et Prévention@DOM
- Tel-e-dent
- Telemedicine
- Teleconsultations.
A brief introduction to the organization of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and its approach to working with e-health was also shared.
In Region of Southern Denmark, we aim to utilize the insights gained from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regions to shape our local policy instrument and work on current and future e-health solutions.
Five European best practices were presented:
- Ensuring the sustainability of healthcare services through telehealth – City of Zagreb (Croatia)
- REHAB-DK (digital solution for home rehabilitation) – Region of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
- Telemonitoring for patients with chronic diseases: Integrated care delivery – Health Service of Aragon (Spain)
- BEATA: Adapting healthcare, supervision, and working methods for the elderly and individuals with disabilities through technology – R&D Center of the City of Linköping (Sweden)
- Kuyavian-Pomeranian Telecare (fall detectors, smartwatches) – Kuyavian-Pomeranian Region (Poland)
Our Contribution
- We shared the insights gained from genoptræ In collaboration with municipalities, the Health Innovation Centre has created a rehabilitation portal, enabling citizens to undergo rehabilitation at home, at their convenience, using their personal mobile devices or tablets.
The solution comprises a website,, where healthcare professionals can design rehabilitation programs and oversee citizen progress. These programs are accessible to citizens via smartphones or tablets. With over 750 videos available to municipalities and hospitals, recorded in collaboration with physiotherapists and occupational therapists, the aim is to ensure high-quality rehabilitation.
Partners in CARES
- Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie
- Gérontopôle Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Office of the Regional Government of Styria – Austria
- Region of Southern Denmark by Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation
- Linköpings kommun | Regione Veneto
- Gobierno de Aragón - Government of Aragon
- Grad Zagreb.

Carsten Jensen
Brugercentreret Innovation
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