The Region of Southern Denmark Continues Their Engagement in the EIP on AHA Initiative
The Region of Southern Denmark continues the engagement in the European Commission’s project “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”.
The European Commission is entering the new program period in the “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing” (shortened EIP on AHA) initiative. The most recent finished in 2021, and the new program period will be running from 2022-2025. In relation to this, the Region of Southern Denmark has re-applied for the position as reference site.
The Region of Southern Denmark is a long-term participant in the “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing” (EIP on AHA), coordinated by the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
The purpose of the EIP on AHA initiative
The European Commission initiated the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) in 2011. The purpose then, as is now, was to create a voluntary collaboration form where municipalities, regions, private companies, organisations, educational institutions and others could work together to solve the future challenges in the health and care field and increase the healthy life years in Europe.
The application for this new program period focuses on the Region of Southern Denmark’s Digitalisation strategy and the structural, financial boundaries there currently are for developing the health sector. The purpose of the new EIP on AHA application is to determine to what extent the region supports more active and healthy ageing for the citizens, focusing specifically on digitalisation and cross-sectorial cooperation.
Region of Southern Denmark as a front-runner in EIP on AHA
In all of the recent program periods, the Region of Southern Denmark has been awarded the position of reference site with the highest number of stars. In the most recent period, the Region of Southern Denmark has been a so-called 4-star reference site and was awarded a “Certificate of Excellence”. This is the highest degree of excellence achievable, and has only been awarded to five other regions in Europe out of 100 applicants. The certificate of excellence was given to honour the region’s long-term efforts to strengthen a nourishing and coherent healthcare sector, focusing on digitalising the cooperation between municipalities and the general practice. The Region of Southern Denmark is a strong actor internationally, especially in the field of telemedicine and aiding in active ageing, with a brand that helps pave the way for hospitals to establish international partnerships.
For the Region of Southern Denmark, participating in the European Innovation Partnership helps bring international expertise and innovation to the region, contributes to new partnerships by involving actors from Southern Denmark and EU projects, and directs attention to the region’s health- and welfare technological businesses and international efforts.
Financing and coordination
The Regional Development will finance the Region of Southern Denmark’s management of reference site functions and other related operations. 250,000kr have been earmarked for the new program period 2022-2025, and will be coordinated by the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.

Maria Hardt Schønnemann
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