Prevention of Cancer and other Chronic Conditions
The Joint Action project PreventNCD brings together 28 countries in a joint effort to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular - and respiratory diseases in the EU.
Largest Joint Effort within Public Health
Diseases such as cancer, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases represent a significant burden on the healthcare sector and a threat to public health. The Prevent-NCD project targets these non-communicable diseases in the largest joint action within public health in the EU, with a budget of €95 mio. over 4 years.
The purpose of this complex project is to prevent and reduce the occurrence of cancer and other NCDs in Europe.
The project builds upon the many existing European initiatives and strategies within prevention, aiming to improve transnational coordination of knowledge, map applied methods, harmonise monitoring data, evaluate prevention strategies and – tools and share a catalogue with best practices.
The project aims to build a comprehensive European infrastructure for monitoring risk factors, based on evaluation of existing method and exploration of new methods for monitoring risk factors, disease burden, and the impact of policies and interventions.
The main goal is to encourage political action in all EU countries and support prioritization of the most effective prevention strategies that can contribute to achieving the political targets in reducing the NCD burden.
The project has 105 partners/stakeholders from 28 countries.
The Region of Southern Denmark leads/co-leads 2 work packages in a close partnership between Lillebaelt Hospital’s Department of Oncology in Vejle (assigned as the national Competent Authority) and the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.
- WP8 Monitoring: enhancing monitoring systems for cancer and other NCDs at multiple levels, through mapping existing and new monitoring methods in EU member states with the purpose of joint knowledge development and – sharing.
- WP10 Identify Individuals at Risk: reducing the burden of cancer and other NCDs at personal level by providing guidance and producing evidence on integrating information on determinants and risk factors into a holistic prevention approach.
Read more at JA PreventNCDs official website.

Emil Høstrup
Projektleder, cand.scient. idræt og sundhed, udviklingskoordinator
Brugercentreret Innovation
24 79 99 92 Emil Høstrup på LinkedIn

Linda Justi
Brugercentreret Innovation
29 20 11 87 Linda Justi på LinkedIn