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The Digital Health Centre is nominated to the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Awards 2024

Our application focused on our Digital Patient Education (DPE) programme that aims to enhance the health and well-being of seniors, elderly people, and their caregivers through accessible, user-friendly digital solutions.

The official 2024 Awards Nomination Logo

The official SilverEco & Ageing Well International Award 2024 logo

We look forward to present our case at the SilverEco international Festival on September 16th in Cannes.

Read our application:

Interest for seniors and elderly people

Seniors often face multiple chronic conditions that require ongoing management. Traditional in-person health services can be challenging due to mobility issues, transportation barriers, and scheduling conflicts. DPE offers:

  1. Accessibility: Seniors can access educational materials and support from home, reducing the need for travel.
  2. Personalized learning: E-learning modules are tailored to meet the specific needs of elderly patients, allowing them to progress at their own pace.
  3. Ongoing support: Regular online group sessions and individual consultations provide continuous engagement and motivation.

Interest for family and professional caregivers

  1. Caregivers play a critical role in the health management of seniors. DPE provides resources and tools to support caregivers in their role:
  2. Training and education: Caregivers receive access to the same educational modules, enhancing their understanding of conditions and effective management strategies.
  3. Support networks: Online group sessions foster a community where caregivers can share experiences and gain support from others in similar situations.
  4. Flexibility: Digital solutions allow caregivers to fit training and education into their schedules, balancing caregiving with other responsibilities.

Key highlights

  1. Innovative approach: Our project stands out for its innovative use of technology to address the challenges of chronic disease management.
  2. Comprehensive support: Integration of individual consultations, e-learning, and group sessions ensures a holistic approach to patient education and support.
  3. Scalability: The digital nature of the program allows for easy expansion to other regions and conditions without significant additional resources.
  4. Collaborative effort: The project benefits from the collaboration of multiple municipalities, patient associations, and healthcare professionals, ensuring a well-rounded and effective approach.
  5. Focus on self-help: By empowering patients and caregivers with knowledge and tools, we promote self-reliance and proactive health management, leading to sustained improvements in quality of life.


Our Digital Patient Education project shows significant potential to transform chronic disease management for seniors, elderly individuals, and their caregivers. By leveraging digital solutions, we can overcome many barriers associated with traditional healthcare delivery, providing accessible, flexible, and effective support.


Anna-Britt Krog

Specialkonsulent, udviklingskoordinator, (Programleder for Det Digitale Sundhedscenter)

Brugercentreret Innovation

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