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Climate friendly and efficient use of inhalers – from aerosol inhalers to powder-based inhalers

The project will investigate, which patients suffering from lung conditions can safely switch to a more climate friendly powder-based inhaler instead of an aerosol inhaler.

The purpose of the project is to investigate which patients suffering from lung conditions can switch to more climate friendly powder-based inhalers (Dry Powder Inhaler, DPI) instead of aerosol inhalers (Pressurised Metered- Dose Inhaler, pMDI) in a safe manner and without compromising their treatment and health.
By changing the type of inhalers, the healthcare sector would be able to contribute significantly to the sustainability agenda as DPI inhalers emit significantly less greenhouse gasses than pMDI inhalers.

The project will collect and analyse historic data on the health status of patients who have switched from aerosol inhalers to powder-based inhalers. These analyses will serve as the foundation for identifying which patients and with which characteristics can potentially switch to powder-based inhalers with no consequences for their treatment or health status.

Furthermore, the project will investigate the user perspective and potential barriers for patients and health care professionals in relation to the switch. The aim is to develop a plan for implementation and change management.

The results of the project will serve as the foundation for regional recommendations for implementing processes for switching relevant patients from aerosol- to powder inhalers in a safe manner across the entire region.

The overall aim is to decrease the emission of greenhouse gasses from aerosol inhalers at hospitals and general practices in the Region of Southern Denmark – still with patient safety as the first priority.

Odense University Hospital is a frontrunner and this project underlines their leading position in the green transition towards sustainable medicine. Furthermore, the project is in line with the overall climate goals in the Region of Southern Denmark by focusing on reducing the hospital’s climate - and environmental impact.


The hospitals are responsible for 6% of the total emission of greenhouse gasses in Denmark.

Up to 25% of the greenhouse gasses coming from the Danish hospitals can be linked to the use of medicine. 3% of this amount is solely related to the use of aerosol inhalers (pMDI) that contain hydrofluorocarbons (HFC). Therefore, the use of aerosol inhalers has a significantly higher climate impact than the powder inhalers (DPI) as the latter does not use HFC gasses.

Enabling a safe switch from aerosol inhalers to powder inhalers can contribute to decreasing the greenhouse gas emission from the Danish healthcare sector. However, it is important to base the switch on knowledge about which groups of patients can make the switch without a negative impact on their health status and treatment.

Project Activities

  • Data and analyses
    • Database based on health registries, analyses of historic data, analyses of relevant patient groups
  • User involvement
    • Interviews and workshops with patients and health care professionals, map and investigate user perspectives and potential barriers
  • Plan for implementation
    • Recommendations for implementation and change management across hospitals and general practitioners in the Region of Southern Denmark
  • Impact assessment
    • Estimate of health economic and climate impact of transitions from pMDI to DPI.

Key output: Clinical and practical recommendations for clinicians in the Region of Southern Denmark on which patient groups can switch from pMDI to DPI inhalers without reducing the effect, increasing side effects or in any way compromising the overall well-being of the patient.


  • Odense University Hospital – the Department of Pharmacology is the project owner represented by Chief physician Mette Marie Hougaard Christensen and Project Manager, MD and Ph.D. Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen.
  • The Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark is responsible for user involvement, development of a plan for implementation and change management, and supports the project management.
  • GSK, The Hospital Pharmacy at OUH, and the Lung Association are network partners in the project.


The project runs from January 2024 to June 2025.

Feel free to contact

Caroline Strudwick

Specialkonsulent, Udviklingskoordinator

Brugercentreret Innovation

40 24 75 87 Caroline Strudwick på LinkedIn

Stine Poulsgaard


Brugercentreret Innovation

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