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How Can Hospitals Use Automation and Robotics as Tools in Future Health Care?

The world is opening up again and on April 7th, partners in the South Denmark eHealth ecosystem held the event “Hospital Automation Summit” and welcomed both public and private stakeholders across Denmark.

In line with the demographic change, the healthcare sector is experiencing an increasing pressure e.g. shortage of staff to provide health care services for more older citizens with a larger need for care. Recruitment and retention of healthcare staff is providing increasingly difficult and the pressure on the existing staff is growing. Automation solutions have the potential to assist and relief the healthcare staff by automating manual, time-consuming and repetitive tasks so they have time for their core task; patient care.

The aim of the Hospital Automation Summit was to provide insights on how Danish hospitals can use automation and robotics as tools in the provision of health services, what it takes to develop and procure these solutions, and how industry partners can collaborate with hospitals to develop qualified solutions with a strong market potential.

The event featured several strong examples where hospitals and suppliers openly shared their experiences in developing, procuring/selling and implementing automation solutions in hospital settings. Robotic solutions in hospitals is still a fairly new field for many and integrating automation solutions in a hospital setting is not without challenges. However, the joint take-home message was that we need to join forces to tackle the structural challenges as a stakeholder network.

The event was organised by the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, Danish Life Science Cluster, Odense Robotics, Danish Technological Institute, and Centre for Clinical Robotics.

If you want to know more about how hospital automation can be used to add value in your hospital or care setting or how your company can collaborate with hospitals to develop your solution, you can reach out to Specialist Advisors in hospital automation Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen and Caroline Strudwick from the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark.   


Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen


Brugercentreret Innovation

21 79 14 04 Louise Halgaard Gotfredsen på LinkedIn

Caroline Strudwick

Specialkonsulent, Udviklingskoordinator

Brugercentreret Innovation

40 24 75 87 Caroline Strudwick på LinkedIn